Monday, June 7, 2010

Old Things, Present Day

There are the things of the past. Broken, dismantled, unusable, they are now but a fragment of the grandeur that was before. Today they stand as perfect ornaments, revered for what they used to be and the history that comes with them. They are the priceless jewels of the past entombed with emotions and a sense of wonder that minuscule as they are today, they were once man's best friend.

Photo: @ Paolito's Seafood House, Capitol Site, Cebu
May 20, 2010

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Shoot and Run

Rumblings of a Cebuano on a pair of running shoes and a Nikon on one hand.

About Me

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Photography is my hobby, a long distance runner and an avid blogger, I consider traveling a dream and my family as my number one inspiration.