Monday, June 15, 2009

I Won!

Since I was already an avid reader of Readers Digest long before, I tried submitting two photos on their monthly "Unseen Asia" just for the fun of it. Well you know, one of the photo won with a nice video camera on the side. Its was not for that contest that my photo was selected but for Discovery Channel Magazine "Your World" photo contest.

Its something to be happy about knowing that your work gets published on a magazine even if your not really making money out of it (hobby). Its always been my wished that my work gets published and for all you know I might be heading there. My works would also be published on a coffee book by Art Post Asia on Asia's Water Celebration, another to be delighted upon. For my wife and daughter, this is all for both of you!!!

I Thank God for all the blessings that have come my way. Hope things gets hot while its going!!

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Shoot and Run

Rumblings of a Cebuano on a pair of running shoes and a Nikon on one hand.

About Me

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Photography is my hobby, a long distance runner and an avid blogger, I consider traveling a dream and my family as my number one inspiration.