Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sofia @ 5

Sofia has grown to be a beauty with her slim down looks. Almost celebrating her 5th birthday, she has trimmed down to a nifty 47lbs, 12 lbs off from her chubby looks a year ago. We thought she had something her which gave us a scare but eventually realized that her eventual shift to drinking milk on glasses from bottles may have been the culprit as her drinking was significantly reduced by 80%!

She is still her bubbly silly self, mischievous at times but has remained the kind, compassionate girl we've taught her to be. Super active is an understatement nowadays in summer when she could play all day long, untiring with still so much reserve to last for the wee hours of the night.

Today she can now read books with short letters and phrases on her own, many thanks to Kumon which she enrolled six months ago. She also likes doing artwork which has made our house at times, a one big mess. As parents, we are unmindful of the changes, as if expecting it, preferring these as part of a growing family. She still cries a lot (when hurt) and has a fondness for not losing. We do hope she grows up realizing that losing is part of winning. We would be exposing her to sports someday to develop her character. As if now, we have been pleased of what she is and would always, forever be our princess.

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Shoot and Run

Rumblings of a Cebuano on a pair of running shoes and a Nikon on one hand.

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Photography is my hobby, a long distance runner and an avid blogger, I consider traveling a dream and my family as my number one inspiration.