Thursday, April 15, 2010

Past Forward

There are times in our lives when some experiences we cherish most has become but a distant memory. And sometimes out of the blue, once in a while, we remember them as if it was just yesterday.

A few weeks ago, I finally met a close childhood friend Marc after 26 long years of separation. People don't change, only time and the name tags. He's now a doctor and I, a businessman. Like deja vu, when we would enjoy the time playing the streets in Sikatuna, unmindful of the countless scoldings from our parents which probably fell into deaf ears, today, Dads as we have become have realize that kids would always be kids and its better to let them be.

From obscurity, we both now take positions that are critical to serving and shaping society in our own little ways. I am thankful that both of us has been brought up well by our respective parents. Thankful that mischievous as we were, we at one time in our lives made the correct choices in life.

Marc Viacrucis and Me on our elementary days in CIC; Present day during our lunch meet after 26 years.

I still relished the care free days of the old times. I do. Though it was not meant to be, I do wish we could have met earlier. I do wish there was Facebook fifteen years ago! The communication just got broken when they left for another region and the he thought I thought thing prevailed.

We both took the road less traveled and met again at the crossroads. I am happy to see you again my friend. Its been a long time.:)

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Shoot and Run

Rumblings of a Cebuano on a pair of running shoes and a Nikon on one hand.

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Photography is my hobby, a long distance runner and an avid blogger, I consider traveling a dream and my family as my number one inspiration.