Wednesday, July 22, 2009

World Vision

Can one be truly blessed without giving back to life what life has given us? What is the purpose and meaning of my life? Truly believing that we are meant to help others, I started my personal contribution to humanity to the very subject that has been always close to me, Education. Starting with my own household helpers, I've ask them one day if they want to go back to school, get a degree. They agreed and today one has finished and left us for work in Singapore. Another one is taking up a two year maternity course. They carry with them that immeasurable sense of gratitude which by one way or another, I really never took more importance than just seeing them live better lives.

Another offspring of my family's commitment to the effort is becoming a sponsor for World Vision, an international non profit foundation meant to provide free education to less fortunate children through sponsorship. We've got one last year and is expected to get one or two by the end of the year. Its really a small amount compared to what we spend in dining out in a year, or perhaps the number of time we've change our ultra expensive haviannas flip flops, a real embarrassment for many, if they ever do get that feeling.

We don't keep count of how much we've helped through the years and its doesn't cease even when their a financial crisis nowadays, a lesson I learned from my friend Bill. I do hope that wealthy people do the same in their own ways. Our world would have been a better place to live in.

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Shoot and Run

Rumblings of a Cebuano on a pair of running shoes and a Nikon on one hand.

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Photography is my hobby, a long distance runner and an avid blogger, I consider traveling a dream and my family as my number one inspiration.